We provide free shipping on orders of two or more prints.


How do I frame my Lure Classics print?

Our prints are designed to fit into any commercially available frame designated 12”x18”.  Note that the outside dimensions of the frame will be greater, depending on the style of frame you choose.

What exactly is a Photo Print?

The technical term for a photo print is a “chromogenic print”.  Wikipedia gives a detailed description of the specifics, but simply stated the print is created via a digital file, exposed by lasers and developed using processes very similar to those used in traditional photography.  The Fujifilm Crystal Archive paper we use is a top-of-the-line industry standard.

Will my photo print fade?

While Fujifilm Professional papers claim to “resist fading for generations”, it’s safe to say that under normal environmental conditions in your home, your Lure Classics print will last for at least 50 years.

How do you draw these images?

Each lure illustration is the outcome of a lot of background research, including numerous photographic references, lure hardware visual modelling, and validation of original lure production methods.  My main drawing medium is a computer illustration program called Affinity Designer.  Many years of experience designing products, using all media from pencil through pastels, markers, and CAD, have provided me with a keen sense of visualizing that is so well supported by Affinity’s capabilities.  Check it out!

More questions?  Please send a note via Contact Us.